Training events


TW1, Hosted by INSERM (22nd – 25th January 2018) – Coincides with Network Meeting 2

C1. Atomic force microscopy topographic and physical characterization modes
C2. Introduction to high speed Atomic Force Microscopy
N1. Designing a Personal Career Development Plan
N2. Scientific communication for scientists and non-scientists

Place: Centre de Biochimie Structurale, 29 rue de Navacelles 34090 (MONTPELLIER – France).

Attendance: ESRs mandatory. Open to INSERM local students (limited places).

TW2, Hosted by UNIMORE (26th – 29th June 2018)

C3. Introduction to composition sensitive Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques
C4. Introduction to 3D tomographic scanning probe microscopy techniques
N3. Organization of scientific events

Place: Law School (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza), via San Geminiano 2, 41121 (MODENA – Italy).

Attendance: ESRs mandatory. Open to UNIMORE local students (limited places).

TW3, Hosted by JKU (28th – 31st January 2019)

C5. Winter school on single molecule biophysics for nano-biotechnology (WINTER SCHOOL)
N4. Intellectual property rights: protecting your discoveries and findings
N5. Entrepreneurship: creating technology based companies

Place: JKU Life Science Center, Gruberstrasse 40, 4020 (LINZ – AUSTRIA).

Attendance: ESRs mandatory. Open to JKU local students (limited places).

TW4, Hosted by NPL (18th – 21st June 2019)

C6. Metrology and standardization in Scanning Probe Microscopy
C7. Fabrication of Atomic force microscopy probes
N5. Entrepreneurship: creating technology based companies

Place: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, UK.

Attendance: ESRs mandatory. Open to NPL local students (limited places).

TW5, Hosted by KEYSIGHT (28th – 30th January 2020) – Coincides with Network Meeting 4

C8. Emerging applications of SPM2.0 technologies to Biology
C9. Emerging applications of SPM2.0 technologies in materials science
N7. Project raising and management

Place: JKU Life Science Center, Gruberstrasse 40, 4020 (LINZ – AUSTRIA). Basement (Floor -1).

Attendance: ESRs mandatory. Open to local students (limited places).