This biennial conference is addressed to the Spanish scientific community working on topics that encompass the use of scanning probe microscopies (SPM). It aims at scientists who share an interest in the applications, the use, the development and the theoretical description of technology based in scanning probes. SPM techniques are nowadays central in many fields of nanoscience, with applications that range from solid state physics to material sciences, surface chemistry and biology.
FyT2018 will be the XI edition of this conference series that already enjoys two decades of tradition and successful sharing of ideas. This time the conference moves to the city of Jaca enclosed at the hearth of the Huesca Pyrenees after taking place in Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Zamora, Vic, Murcia, Segovia, Tarragona, San Lorenzo del Escorial, San Sebastián and Gerona.
A wide range of scientific topics will be covered in dedicated sessions to atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy and theory of local probes techniques covering a wide range of applications from soft matter physics and biophysics to surface science in vacuum.
We invite you to join us in Fuerzas y Túnel 2018 in Jaca to take the opportunity to gather with the SPM community, and follow the latest advances in SPM and their applications.
Do not miss it!