Dissemination & Communication Actions

SPM2.0 Network Newsletters (2017)

SPM2.0 Network Newsletters (2018)

SPM2.0 Network Newsletters (2019)

SPM2.0 Network Newsletters (2020)

SPM2.0 Application Note 1

SPM2.0 Application Note 2

SPM2.0 Application Note 3

Catch me! AFM (Virtual Lab)




  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC).
    Title: Composition mapping of biomembranes by in liquid Scanning Dielectric Microscopy.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishna (ESR2, IBEC).
    Title: Characterization of nanowire nanocomposites by sub-surface electrostatic force microscopy.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Oscar Saavedra (ESR3, INSERM).
    Title: Compression, rupture and puncture of model membranes at the molecular scale.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Sara Rombouts (ESR4, INSERM).
    Title: Motility during bacterial predation in Myxococcus Xanthus.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM).
    Title: Fast, quantitative and high resolution mapping of viscoelastic properties with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU).
    Title: Implementation, optimization and application of High-speed TREC.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Divya Virmani (ESR7, NANOGUNE).
    Title: Infrared nano-imaging and nano-spectroscopy in liquid environment.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Lar Mester (ESR8, NANOGUNE).
    Title: Substrate-enhanced and subsurface infrared near-field spectroscopy of organic layers.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL).
    Title: Quantification and standardization for advanced scanning probe microscopy.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: David Toth (ESR10, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Advanced electrical AFM techniques for characterization of charge-carrier dynamics and degradations in perovskite photovoltaics.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Ivan Alic (ESR11, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Calibrated Scanning Microwave Microscopy using Tunneling Microscopy.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW).
    Title: Ferroelectric polymers for MEMS applications – Towards soft and high speed AFM probes.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Maria Elena Persimoni (ESR13, BNC).
    Title: Scanning Probe Microscopy for Nanomedicine.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Sofia Drakapoulou (ESR14, UNIMORE).
    Title: Oscillating Wetting/Dewetting Transitions in Organic Semiconductor Thin Films.
    Conference: Workshop on “Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM2.0)” (Virtual Conference). 10-11/12/2020.
  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), Carlos A. Amo, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Fast, quantitative and high resolution mapping of viscoelastic properties with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: 2020 MRS Spring/Fall Meeting (Virtual Conference). 27/11-04/12/2020.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Carlos A. Amo, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Fast, quantitative and high resolution mapping of viscoelastic properties with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: 8th Multifrequency AFM Conference (Virtual Conference). 27-30/10/2020.
  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), Ulrich Schmid (TUW).
    Title: Scanning probes with high resonance frequency and low stiffness for HS-AFM applications in liquid environment.
    Conference: 8th Multifrequency AFM Conference (Virtual Conference). 27-30/10/2020.
  • Authors: Lars Mester (ESR8, NANOGUNE).
    Title: Substrate Matters.
    Conference: Nanolight 2020 (Benasque, SPAIN). 11/03/2020.
  • Authors: Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL), Mark Baker, Sebastian Wood (NPL), Robert A. Dorey, Fernando A. Castro (NPL).
    Title: Advanced modes of scanning probe microscopy for characterisation of nanoelectronic materials.
    Conference: Conference: Annual MiNMaT EngD conference (2019) – University of Surrey (Surrey, UK). 03/10/2019.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Victor G. Gisbert, Carlos A. Amo, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Mapping nanomechanical properties of proteins and polymers with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: 9th AFM BioMed Conference (Munster, GERMANY). 02-06/09/2019. Prize for the best talk (Young Investigator Award)
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM).
    Title: Fast, quantitative and high resolution mapping of viscoelastic properties with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: 9th ESR Workshop in Nanoscience (Madrid, SPAIN). 26-27/06/2019.
  • Authors: Oscar Saavedra (ESR3, INSERM), Luca Costa, Thales Fernandes, Emmanuel Margeat and Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet (INSERM).
    Title: Softness and rupture of biological membranes during AFM operation: Influence of tip radius and necessity of instrumental developments.
    Conference: CBS2 day 2019 (Montpellier, FRANCE). 22/05/2019.
  • Authors: Maria Elena Piersimoni (ESR13, BNC), Tony Cass (BNC), Liming Ying (BNC).
    Title: Real-time investigation of the effect of lipoic acid-gold nanoparticles and alpha-synuclein gold nanoparticles in neuroblastoma living cells.
    Conference: National Heart and Lung Institute Seminars – Imperial College London (London, UK). 22/05/2019.
  • Authors: David Toth (ESR10, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Nanoscale electrical characterization of photovoltaic materials via EFM methods.
    Conference: Nanoforum (Linz, AUSTRIA). 17/05/2019.
  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), Claudio Berger, Daniel Platz, Ulrich Schmid (TUW).
    Title: Plates as probes for atomic force microscopy in liquid environments.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Victor G. Gisbert, Carlos A. Amo, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Mapping nanomechanical properties of proteins and polymers with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Rubén Millán, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Nanoscale dielectric imaging of supported lipid membranes by in-liquid electrostatic force microscopy.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishnan (ESR2, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Rene Fabregas, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Subsurface characterization of buried silver nanowires using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM).
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Sara Rombouts (ESR4-INSERM), J.B. Fiche, L. Costa, T. Mignot, Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet (INSERM), M. Nollmann.
    Title: Motility of Myxococcus xanthus on the single cell and population level using Fluorescence Microscopy (FM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
    Conference: EBSA Biophysics Course on Membrane and Lipid-Protein Interactions (La Grande Motte, FRANCE). 10-15/06/2018.
  • Authors: Oscar Saavedra (ESR3, INSERM), Luca Costa, Emmanuel Margeat and Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet (INSERM).
    Title: Development of a new advanced near-field microscope to probe soft biological membranes.
    Conference: EBSA Biophysics Course on Membrane and Lipid-Protein Interactions (La Grande Motte, FRANCE). 10-15/06/2018.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Rubén Millán, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Nanoscale dielectric imaging of supported lipid membranes by in-liquid Electrostatic Force Microscopy.
    Conference: EBSA Biophysics Course on Membrane and Lipid-Protein Interactions (La Grande Motte, FRANCE). 10-15/06/2018.
  • Authors: Ivan Alic (ESR11, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Nanoscale complex impedance and dielectric properties of single cells and bacteria at GHz frequencies by scanning microwave microscopy.
    Conference: The International Microwave Symposium (Honolulu, HAWAII). 04-09/06/2018.
  • Authors: Maria Elena Piersimoni (ESR13, BNC), Tony Cass (BNC), Liming Ying (BNC).
    Title: Gold nanoparticles: from the synthesis to the monitoring of their uptake within live cells.
    Conference: Molecular Medicine Research Club – Imperial College London (London, UK). 29/05/2018.
  • Authors: Lars Mester (ESR8, NANOGUNE), Rainer Hillenbrand (NANOGUNE).
    Title: Towards nanoscale 3D chemical imaging.
    Conference: Functional Polymers Workshop (Donostia San Sebastian, SPAIN). 19/03/2018.
  • Authors: David Toth (ESR10, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Scanning Microwave Microscopy: Nanoscale complex impedance imaging, modelling, and biological applications.
    Conference: XX Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 02-05/02/2018.
  • Authors: David Toth (ESR10, KEYSIGHT), Ferry Kienberger (KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Calibrated GHz electrical measurements at the nanoscale for semiconducting materials including multi-junction GaAs.
    Conference: 2017 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting and Exhibit (Strasbourg, FRANCE). 22-26/05/2017.


  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), Simone Benaglia (ICMM).
    Title: Multi-scale characterisation of a semi-crystalline polymer reveals ferroelectricity above the Curie transition.
    Conference: 8th Multifrequency AFM Conference (Virtual Conference). 27-30/10/2020.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Ruben Millan-Solsona, J. H. Borrell, Laura Fumagalli, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Lamellarity and electrical properties of single liposomes measured by in-liquid scanning dielectric microscope.
    Conference: 13th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Future & Precision Medicine (Barcelona, Spain). 27-28/10/2020.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishnan (ESR2, IBEC), Rene Fabregas, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: On the spatial resolution in nanotomography based on scanning dielectric microscopy: A numerical analysis.
    Conference: 13th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Future & Precision Medicine (Barcelona, Spain). 27-28/10/2020.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Carlos A. Amo, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Fast, quantitative and high resolution mapping of viscoelastic properties with bimodal AFM.
    Conference: XII Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 31/01-03/03/2020. 1st prize Poster Award
  • Authors: David Toth (ESR10, KEYSIGHT), Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL), Bekele Hailgenaw, Markus C., Sebastian Wood (NPL), Georg Gramse (NPL)Fernando A. Castro (NPL), Ferry Kienberger (KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Nanoscale charge dynamics of triple-cation mixed-halide perovskites.
    Conference: CAM-IES Workshop: Multi-Modal Characterisation of Energy Materials (Cambridge, UK). 06/11/2019.
  • Authors: J.B. Fiche, Sara Rombouts (ESR4-INSERM),  T. Mignot, M. Nollmann.
    Title: Towards large-scale tracking of single Myxococcus xanthus cells during predation using artificial intelligence.
    Conference: Center for the Physics of Living Cells Summer School 2019 (Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA). 23-30/07/2019.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Nanoscale composition mapping by in-liquid Electrostatic Force Microscopy.
    Conference: 12th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Active ageing (Barcelona, SPAIN). 17/07/2019.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishnan (ESR2, IBEC), Adrica Kyndiah, Marti Checa, Ruben Millan, Rene Fabregas, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Subsurface characterization of buried nanowires in thin gelatin films by Electrostatic Force Microscopy.
    Conference: 12th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Active ageing (Barcelona, SPAIN). 17/07/2019.
  • Authors: Maria Elena Piersimoni (ESR13, BNC), Tony Cass (BNC), Liming Ying (BNC).
    Title: Real-time investigation of the effect of lipoic acid-gold nanoparticles and alpha-synuclein gold nanoparticles in neuroblastoma living cells.
    Conference: NHLI Postgraduate Research Day – Imperial College London (London, UK). 09/07/2019.
  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU), Yoo Jin Ho, Gerald Kada, Peter Hinterdorfer (JKU).
    Title: Topography and recognition high-speed AFM.
    Conference: DK Nanocell Summer School (Haibach, AUSTRIA). 30/06/2019-03/07/2019.
  • Authors: Sofia Drakopoulou (ESR14, UNIMORE), M. Di Lauro, Mauro Murgia, Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Ricardo Garcia (ICMM), Fabio Biscarini (UNIMORE).
    Title: The influence of thickness on the electrical properties of electrolyte gated organic field effect transistors.
    Conference: 16th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (Thessaloniki, GREECE). 02-05/07/2019.
  • Authors: Sofia Drakopoulou (ESR14, UNIMORE), M. Di Lauro, Mauro Murgia, Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Ricardo Garcia (ICMM), Fabio Biscarini (UNIMORE).
    Title: EGOFET response in pentacene transistors: The role of the thickness of the organic semiconductor.
    Conference: 1st Workshop on Neuromorphic Organic Devices (Ferrara, ITALY). 12-14/06/2019.
  • Authors: Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL), Tom Vincent, Cristina E Giusca, Mark Baker, Sebastian Wood (NPL), Robert A. Dorey, Olga Kazakova, Fernando A. Castro (NPL).
    Title: Multi-parameter electrical scanning force microscopy studies of van der Waals heterostructures via cluster analysis.
    Conference: 21st International Scanning Probe Microscopy (ISPM) Conference (Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM). 28/05/2019.
  • Authors: Oscar Saavedra (ESR3, INSERM), Luca Costa, Thales Fernandes, Emmanuel Margeat and Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet (INSERM).
    Title: Softness and rupture of biological membranes during AFM operation: Influence of tip radius and necessity of instrumental developments.
    Conference: CBS2 day 2019 (Montpellier, FRANCE). 22/05/2019.
  • Authors: Maria Elena Piersimoni (ESR13, BNC), Tony Cass (BNC), Liming Ying (BNC).
    Title: Monitoring the interaction of lipoic acid –  gold nanoparticles (LA-GNPs) with SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma living cells by atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU), Jawad A. Khan, Suraj Adhikary, Rong Zhu, Michael Freissmuth, Satinder Singh, Harald Sitte, Peter Hinterdorfer (JKU).
    Title: Atomic Force Microscopy imaging of LeuT and hSERT Reconstituted in membranes.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishnan (ESR2, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Rene Fabregas, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Subsurface characterization of buried silver nanowires using Electrostatic Force Microscopy.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Nanoscale dielectric imaging of supported lipid membranes by in-liquid Electrostatic Force Microscopy.
    Conference: 11th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Regenerative Therapies (Barcelona, SPAIN). 02/10/2018.
  • Authors: Harishankar Balakrishnan (ESR2, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Rene Fabregas, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Subsurface characterization of buried silver nanowires using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM).
    Conference: 11th IBEC Symposium: Bioengineering for Regenerative Therapies (Barcelona, SPAIN). 02/10/2018.
  • Authors: Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), M. Teuschel, J. Schrattenholzer, M. Schneider (TUW), U. Schmid (TUW).
    Title: Optimized batch process for organic MEMS devices.
    Conference: EUROSENSORS 2018 (Graz, AUSTRIA). 09-12/09/2018.
  • Authors: Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL), Ruth Rawcliffe, Sebastian Wood (NPL), Mark Baker, Robert Dorey, Maxim Shkunov, Fernando Castro (NPL).
    Title: Development and characterization of nanostructured calibration sample for advanced modes of scanning probe microscopy (SPM).
    Conference: Annual MiNMaT EngD conference – University of Surrey (Surrey, UK). 27/09/2018.
  • Authors: Lars Mester (ESR8, NANOGUNE), Alexander A. Govyadinov, Stefan Mastel, Monika Goikoetxea, Rainer Hillenbrand (NANOGUNE).
    Title: Subsurface infrared near-field spectroscopy of phase-separated polymer nanocomposites.
    Conference: 15th international conference of Near-field Optics and Nanophotonics (NFO-15) (Troyes, FRANCE). 26-31/08/2018.
  • Authors: Divya Virmani (ESR7, NANOGUNE), S. Mastel, A. A.Govyadinov, A. Chuvilin, A. M. Bittner, Rainer Hillenbrand (NANOGUNE).
    Title: Enhancing near-field optical contrast in s-SNOM by employing ultra-sharp metal tips.
    Conference: 15th international conference of Near-field Optics and Nanophotonics (NFO-15) (Troyes, FRANCE). 26-31/08/2018.
  • Authors: Martina Di Muzio (ESR1, IBEC), Ruben Millan, Gabriel Gomila (IBEC).
    Title: Nanoscale composition mapping with electrostatic force microscopy.
    Conference: 4th International conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy on Soft and Polymeric Materials (SPMonSPM 2018), (Leuven, BELGIUM). 20-24/08/2018.
  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU), Jawad A. Khan, Suraj Adhikary, Rong Zhu, Michael Freissmuth, Satinder Singh, Harald Sitte, Peter Hinterdorfer (JKU).
    Title: Atomic Force Microscopy imaging of LeuT and hSERT Reconstituted in membranes.
    Conference: Membrane Transport Proteins GRC (Gordon Research Conference) (Newry, USA). 10-15/06/2018.
  • Authors: Simone Benaglia (ESR5, ICMM), Victor G. Gisbert, Ricardo Garcia (ICMM).
    Title: Bimodal AM-FM nanomechanical mapping of block copolymers.
    Conference: 7th Multifrequency conference (Madrid, SPAIN). 18-20/04/2018.
  • Authors: Lars Mester (ESR8, NANOGUNE), Alexander A. Govyadinov, Stefan Mastel, Iban Amenabar, Florian Huth, Scott Carney, Rainer Hillenbrand (NANOGUNE).
    Title: Determination of optical constants and depth profiling at the nanometer scale with near-field microscopy.
    Conference: Nanolight 2018 (Benasque, SPAIN). 11/03/2018.
  • Authors: Divya Virmani (ESR7, NANOGUNE), S. Mastel, A. A. Govyadinov, A. Chuvilin, A. M. Bittner, Rainer Hillenbrand (NANOGUNE).
    Title: Enhancing near-field optical contrast in s-SNOM by employing ultra-sharp metal tips.
    Conference: Nanolight 2018 (Benasque, SPAIN). 10-17/03/2018.
  • Authors: Georg Gramse, Manuel Kasper, Enrico Brinciotti, Silviu-Sorin Tuca, Ivan Alic (ESR11, KEYSIGHT)Ferry Kienberger (KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Scanning Microwave Microscopy: Application to quantum devices.
    Conference: Conference on Controllable Quantum Impurities in Physics and Chemistry (CoQIPC) (Vienna, AUSTRIA). 16-18/08/2017.


  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU).
    Title: High-speed AFM imaging of single molecule dynamics. LAB DEMO.
    Conference: XXII Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 31/01/2020-03/02/2020.
  • Authors: M. Schneider (TUW), Jonas Hafner (ESR12, TUW), D. Platz, U. Schmid (TUW).
    Title: Atomic force microscopoy: New sensing element for high-speed imaging.
    Press release (Vienna, Austria). 16/11/2019.
  • Authors: Filipe Richheimer (ESR9, NPL).
    Title: Advanced modes of scanning probe microscopy for characterisation of nanoelectronic materials, 1 minute PhD presentation.
    Conference: Exeter Metamaterials CDT Research Exchange (Teddington, UK). 25/06/2019.
  • Authors: Daniel Canena (ESR6, JKU).
    Title: High-speed AFM imaging of single molecule dynamics. LAB DEMO.
    Conference: XXI Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 01-04/02/2019.
  • Authors: Ivan Alic (ESR11, KEYSIGHT).
    Title: Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM). LAB DEMO.
    Conference: XX Annual Linz Winter Workshop (Linz, AUSTRIA). 03-05/02/2018.